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Date - 28/08/2021
Combined Forces Special Steer Show
Combined Forces Special Steer Show
SATURDAY 28th August, 2021
Pittsworth Showgrounds, Railway Street, Pittsworth Qld 4356
Weighing between 8:00 am & 9:00 am
Judging starts 1:00 pm
Entry Fee:
$25 per head
Entry Form:
Combined Forces Steer Show Entry Form
Please email entry form to
- There will be 4 classes including 1 heifer class
- after weighing the steers they will be split into 4 even classes
- All entry fees & sponsorship will go into prize money ($2500 in CASH & PRIZES)
- for the exhibitors wishing to kill there steers a grid price of $7.50 per kg dress weight (no grading) through Farmers Choice Meats
- This steer show will be run under a Covid-19 plan. Everyone who attends will need to sign in on arrival & practice the 1.5m social distancing rule.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
- Bremer Stockfeeds
- Riverina
- Farmers Choice Meats
- Litfin Contracting
- Goetsch & Sons Auctioneers
If you have any questions please contact us
Neil Goetsch 0417 719 671
Rachel Goetsch 0408 155 110